License Validation Error Codes
1 | “Error code 2. The license has expired” |
2 | “Error code 1. Invalid signature. The license file has been altered.” Possible cause: The license file has been edited such that it is not valid and can’t be used anymore. A node-locked license should not be edited in any way. For a network floating license, only the SERVER parameter can be edited. For example: SERVER=;PORT=12346;IP=v4;ANYIF=Yes; |
3 | “Error code 3. The license file is not licensed for this host.”Possible cause: The hostID contained in the license file is different from your computer’s hostID. The hostID can be obtained by running the flmid command. |
4 | “Error code 11. The SIGNATURE line in the license file not found. The license file is not signed”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
5 | “Error code 5. Read public key file failed”Possible cause: You specified a public key file that is not a properly formatted PEM key file. This error only happens when you attempt to run the FortLM license server. |
6 | “Error code 6. Decode public key string failed”Possible cause: You specified a public key file that is not a properly formatted PEM key file. This error only happens when you attempt to run the FortLM license server. |
7 | “Error code 6. Decode public key string failed”Possible cause:You specified a public key file that is not a properly formatted PEM key file. This error only happens when you attempt to run the FortLM license server. |
8 | “Error code 4. Public key file not found”Possible cause: You specified a public key file that does not exist. This error only happens when you attempt to run FortLM license server. |
9 | “Error code 7. Read license data failed. License file environment variable not defined or the file it points to does not exist”Possible cause: Each application protected by FortLM uses an environmental variable to locate its license file. This error indicates either the necessary environment variable has not been set or the file it points to does not exist. |
10 | “Error code 12. FEATURE line in the license not found or contains empty value”\Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
11 | “Error code 8. Read license signature failed. License file environment variable not defined or file does not exist”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
12 | “Error code 14. FEATURE not allowed”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Specifically, the ‘FEATURE’ of this application is missing in the current license file. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
13 | “Error code 13. VERSION line in the license not found or contains empty value”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
14 | “Error code 32. Failed when creating client socket. Error in getaddrinfo”Possible cause: When attempting to check out a license from the license server, the application can’t find the correct address information. Check your TCP/IP settings. |
15 | “Error code 15. VERSION not allowed”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Specifically, the ‘VERSION’ of this application is not allowed in the current license file. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
16 | “Error code 18. EXPIRE date in the license file not found”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
17 | “Error code 19. HOSTID line in the license file not found”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
18 | “Error code 21. Read public key string failed”Possible cause: You specified a public key file that is not a properly formatted PEM key file. This error only happens when you attempt to run the FortLM license server. |
19 | “Error code 17. START date is in the future”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. This error can also happen if your system clock is out of date when you start the application. You need to set the computer time correctly. |
20 | “Error code 16. START date in the license file not found”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
21 | “Error code 20. No hostIDs were detected on this computer”Possible cause: HostIDs are MAC addresses on your computer. This error may happen if no network interface cards are found on your computer. |
22 | Not used |
23 | “Error code 23. Signing license file failed”This error only happens when signing a license file |
24 | “Error code 24. File not found or open for appending failed”This error only happens when signing a license file |
25 | “Error code 25. Out of maximum licensed seats!”Possible cause: The network floating license server has no more free licenses for checking out. |
26 | “Error code 27. Read license server’s x.509 cert string failed.”Possible cause: The license sever you are connecting to is not a valid license server. |
27 | “Error code 28. Base64 decode license server’s x.509 cert string failed.”Possible cause: The license sever you are connecting to is not a valid license server. |
28 | “Error code 9. License file environment variable, the default HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH env variable both not defined”Possible cause:FortLM requires HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH env variable to be defined in your operating system. This error is only applicable to Windows systems, |
29 | “Error code 33. Unable to connect to the license server”Possible cause:The license server has not been started, The hostname or port number in the license file is incorrect. There is firewall between Server and Client application that prevents TCP connection. You can either open the port or use VPN. |
30 | “Error code 29. Convert license server’s x.509 cert string to ASN.1 format failed.”Possible cause: The license sever you are connecting to is not a valid license server. |
31 | “Error code 30. Failed when adding the trusted certificate used for verification.”Possible cause: The license sever you are connecting to is not a valid license server. |
32 | “Error code 26. Invalid server name. Expect [ipv4:|ipv6:]server-name-IP:port. If server-IP is an IPv6 colon-separated address, enclose it in square brackets ( [ and ] ) and may need to quote the entire string.” |
33 | “Error code 31. Failed when determining socket address information( in getaddrinfo())”Possible cause: When starting a license server, the hostname or IP address in the license file is not correct. |
“Error code 34. Unable to create a new SSL session (SSL_new).” | |
35 | “Error code 35. Unable to create a new SSL Context (SSL_CTX_new).” |
36 | “Error code 36. Unable to write to ssl channel(SSL_write).” |
37 | “Error code 37. Unable to read from channel(SSL_read).” |
38 | Not used |
39 | “Error code 39. Cert file not found” |
40 | “Error code 50. Lost connection to the license server, exiting…”Possible cause: The license server is down or the connection is lost. The client application will keep running for about twenty minutes after the connection is lost, If the connection is not back during that period of, the application will shutdown itself. |
41 | “Error code 41. Read public key from cert file failed” |
42 | “Error code 40. Error in reading cert file” |
43 | “Error code 43. The length of data signed, feature line, and version line exceeds the MAX limit!” |
44 | “Error code 44. Failed in setting SSL channel mode to SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY!” |
45 | “Error code 11. The SIGNATURE line in the license file is not found. The license file is not signed”Possible cause: The license file is not valid. Contact the vendor of your application to get the correct license file. |
46 | “Error code 46. Received data error. Missing ‘-‘ and random number” |
47 | “Error code 47. Failed when creating a new trusted certificate store.” |
48 | “Error code 48. Failed to obtain a license.”Possible cause: This error only happens if the application tries to download a license from the server. Check if the license server is running. |
49 | “Error code 49. Failed to obtain a random number.” |
50 | “Error code 42. Server side license file is different from the client side!”Possible cause: You forgot to update both license files when applying a new license file. The license file at the server side and client side must be the same. |
51 | “Error code 51. Failed to obtain client ID.” |
52 | “Error code 52. Invalid network license file. The license file contains no SERVER= or PORT= lines.” |
53 | “Error code 53. Invalid license file or empty file.” |
54 | “Error code 54. No SERVER= or PORT= line. Invalid license file.” |
55 | “Error code 55. Only one remote desktop session can run this application.” |
56 | “Error code 45. No open seats. Maximum number of licensed seats reached!”Possible cause: The network floating license server has no more free license for checking out. The maximum number of allowed users is reached. |
57 | “Error code 57. Can’t locate memory guarding block” |
58 | “Error code 58. Can’t read from SSL session” |
59 | “Error code 59. Can’t write to SSL session” |
60 | “Error code 60. can’t send OPSSL or STATUS flag to the opened socket” |
61 | “Error code 61. Only one instance of the license can be served(Unix). This error could also happen if a previous error did not clean up the license file lock. Use ‘flmserver -f license_file priv_key’ to unlock it.” |
62 | Error code 64. The redundant server license file must contain three server lines: SERVER1= hostname portno hostid ipversion(IPv4 | IPv6)SERVER2= hostname portno hostid ipversion(IPv4 | IPv6)SERVER3= hostname portno hostid ipversion(IPv4 | IPv6) |
63 | “Error code 63. This license file has been revoked or deactivated |
64 | “Error code 62. The system clock has been set back (or first set to a future date and then rolled back)Possible cause: Your computer clock is set back. Please reset it. |
65 | “Error code 56. Only one instance of the license can be served.”Possible cause: You are trying to run multiple instances of the license server, which is not allowed.On Linux It is possible that the lock created by the previous running instance of the FortLM license server has not been cleared by the operating system. You can use ‘flmserver -f’ option to force clearing the lock and restart the server. |