Try a fully functional copy of NETCONFc for 30 days.
Please follow the instructions below to start your NETCONFc trial for Windows or Linux.
By downloading from our site, you acknowledge and agree to our License Agreement.
1. Download the latest NETCONFc free trial installer
Windows: 10 and 11
Note: If clicking on the download link is blocked, you may need to right-click the link and select ‘Save Link As…‘.
Please ignore the file “can’t be downloaded securely” or “unknown publisher” warning and simply click ‘Keep‘ or ‘Run Anyway‘ to proceed.
Size | Date | ||
setup_NETCONFc_Demo_2025b.25.01.18.exe | 92.76 MB (97262564 bytes) | 2025-02-28 |
Linux (x64, Ubuntu 18.04+, Fedora 21+, RHEL 8+)
Size | Date | ||
netconfc_demo_2025b.25.01.18_linux_f21x64.tar.gz | 209.30 MB (219470323 bytes) | 2025-02-28 |
2. Install NETCONFc free trial
Windows: Double-click the installer file to install the application
Linux: The NETCONFc Linux installer is a gzipped tar file. To install it, simply run the following command:
tar -zxf seguesoft_netconfc_demo_xxxx_xx_xx.tar.gz
cd dist
3. Start NETCONFc and request a NETCONFc trial key
When you start NETCONFc, you will be prompted to enter a trial code.
Email with the subject ‘Request a NETCONFc trial key for Windows.’
Note: A business email address is required. Our sales representative will review your request and respond shortly.
Windows: Select the installed application named ‘NETCONFc Demo’ to run.
$ cd 'your installation directory'
$ ./
If you do not have a NETCONF server readily to use with NETCONFc, use freely available Netopeer2:
You can set up free Netopeer2 from the source, or use Netopeer2 Docker Container.
For information on licensing and pricing visit How to Buy licenses.
Thank you!